Current teaching

  • Present 2012

    Diferencijalni račun funkcija jedne promjenljive

    Differential calculus of functions of one variable, a first year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • Present 2007

    Diferencijalna geometrija

    Differential geometry of curves and surfaces, a third year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • Present 2007

    Matematika za ekonomiste

    Mathematics for economists, a fisrt year undergraduate course in Economics.

  • Present 2011

    Napredni softver Mathematica

    Advanced Software Wolfram Mathematica, a postgraduate course in Mathematics.

Teaching History

  • 2016 2011

    Matematičke metode u fizici

    Mathematical methods in physics, a fourth year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2016 2007

    Viša geometrija

    Non-Euclidean geometries, a fourth year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2016 2015

    Mjera i integral

    Measure and integration, a third and fourth year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2016 2010

    Matematika II

    Mathematics II, a fisrt year undergraduate course in Electrical engineering.

  • 2009 2007

    Parcijalne diferencijalne jednačine

    Partial differential equations, a fourth year course in Mathematics.

  • 2014 2007

    Primjena softvera Mathematica I

    Software Wolfram Mathematica I, a fourth year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2014 2007

    Primjena softvera Mathematica II

    Software Wolfram Mathematica II, a fourth year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2014 2011

    Praktikum softvera Mathematica

    Introduction to Software Wolfram Mathematica, a second year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2008 2009

    Popularna matematika

    Popular mathematics, a third and fourth year course in Mathematics.

  • 2013 2011

    Odabrana poglavlja algebre i geometrije

    Topics in algebra and geometry, a postgraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2013 2011

    Matematički softveri u nastavi matematike

    Software use in teaching mathematics, a postgraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2009 2008

    Matematika I

    Mathematics I, a first year undergraduate course in Mechanical engineering.

  • 2011 2009

    Matematika II

    Mathematics II, a first year undergraduate course in Physics.

  • 2010 2009

    Matematika IV

    Mathematics IV, an advanced second year undergraduate course in Civil engineering.

  • 2003 2001

    Matematički algoritmi

    Mathematical algorithms, a third year full year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2003 2001

    Primjena računara u nastavi matematike

    Using computers in teaching mathematics, a fourth year full year undergraduate course in Mathematics.

  • 2003 2002

    Matematička analiza I

    Mathematical analysis, a first year full year undergraduate course in Mathematics (assistant).

  • 2002 2001

    Matematička analiza II

    Mathematical analysis, a second year full year undergraduate course in Mathematics (assistant).

  • 2003 2001

    Mjera i integracija

    Measure and integration, a third year full year undergraduate course in Mathematics (assistant).

  • 2003 2001

    Parcijalne diferencijalne i integralne jednačine

    Partial differential and integral equations, a fourth year full year undergraduate course in Mathematics (assistant).

  • 2002 2001

    Matematika I

    Mathematics I, a fisrst year full year undergraduate course in Electrical engineering (assistant).

  • 2003 2002

    Matematika II

    Mathematics I, a fisrst year full year undergraduate course in Electrical engineering (assistant).

Obratiti pažnju: Skripta predavanja nije udžbenik! Nekad su materijali napisani na brzinu ili kasno navečer i možda nisu ili su samo minimalno provjerena za greške. Zadržavam pravo da sadržavaju štamparske greške kao i matematičke greške u njima - pozivam vas da mi ukažete na njih ukoliko ih primjetite!

Disclaimer: The lecture notes ate not a tetbook! Sometimes the material was written hastily or late at night and they might not have been checked for errors. I reserve the right for the notes to contain errors, either purely typographical or perhaps mathematical. I invite You to point them out to me if and when You notice them!

Literatura / Reading list

  • Calculus: a complete course
    Adams, Robert A., and Christopher Essex. Calculus: a complete course. Vol. 7. 7th ed. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2010.
  • Thomas' calculus: early transcendentals
    Ross L. Finney, Maurice D. Weir and Frank R. Giordano. Thomas' calculus: early transcendentals. Addison-Wesley, 2001. Based on the original work by George B. Thomas
  • Calculus: A new horizon
    Anton, Howard, Stephen Davis, and Irl Bivens. Calculus: a new horizon. New York: Wiley, 1999.

Kabinetski sati / Office hours

Možete me naći u kabinetu koji se nalazi na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu, kancelarija 313 ili u dekanatu Fakulteta. Kabinetski sati su ponedjeljkom 10.oo-11.oo i srijedom 11:oo-12:oo

U kabinetu i dekanatu sam svaki dan, ali obavezno mi prvo napišete email kako bismo odredili vrijeme sastanka unaprijed.

You can find me at my office located at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics building, room 313 or at the Faculy Dean's offices. My office hours are Mondays 10:00 - 11:00 and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00

I am at my office(s) every day, but you may consider writing an email to fix an appointment first.


Svi konstruktivni komentari i kritike su i više nego dobrodošli. Pošaljite email ili me dođite vidjeti u kabinetu.

All constructive comments and criticism are more than welcome. Send an email or come see me in my office.

Ako budete imali problema sa otvaranjem bilo koje stranice, pošaljite mi email, opišite koji operativni sistem (Windows, Linux, Unix?) i browser (Chrome, Seamonkey, Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) koristite i detaljno opišite šta se dogodilo.

If You have prblems opening this site, please email me, describe what operating system You are using (Windows, Linux, Unix?) and which browser (Chrome, Seamonkey, Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) You are using describe in detail what happened.

Zadnja modifikacija / last modified: 26. maj 2017.


Ovdje možete skinuti i skriptu predmeta u PDF formatu, koja se pretežno sastoji od materijala koji se koristi na slajdovima na predavanjima. Svake godine dolazi do izmjene, pa ne preporučujem printanje prije kraja semestra.

Obratiti pažnju:
Skripta predavanja nije udžbenik! Nekad su materijali napisani na brzinu ili kasno navečer i možda nisu ili su samo minimalno provjerena za greške. Zadržavam pravo da sadržavaju štamparske greške kao i matematičke greške u njima - pozivam vas da mi ukažete na njih ukoliko ih primjetite!

Disclaimer: The lecture notes ate not a tetbook! Sometimes the material was written hastily or late at night and they might not have been checked for errors. I reserve the right for the notes to contain errors, either purely typographical or perhaps mathematical. I invite You to point them out to me if and when You notice them!

Pogledajte website Prof. dr Mehmeda Nurkanovića za mnoge korisne stvari vezane za ovaj predmet.

Literatura / Reading list

  • Matematika za ekonomiste
    M. Nurkanović, O. Kurtanović: Matematika za ekonomiste, PrintCom, Tuzla, 2013.
  • Matematika za ekonomiste
    L. Smajlović: Matematika za ekonomiste, Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Ekonomski fakultet, Sarajevo, 2010.
  • Osnovne metode matematičke ekonomije
    Alpha, C. Chiang: Osnovne metode matematičke ekonomije, MATE, d.o.o., Zagreb, 1994.
  • Diferentne jednadžbe – Teorija i primjene
    M. Nurkanović: Diferentne jednadžbe – Teorija i primjene, Denfas, Tuzla, 2008.

Kabinetski sati / Office hours

Možete me naći u kabinetu koji se nalazi na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu, kancelarija 313 ili u dekanatu Fakulteta. Kabinetski sati su ponedjeljkom 10.oo-11.oo i srijedom 11:oo-12:oo

U kabinetu i dekanatu sam svaki dan, ali obavezno mi prvo napišete email kako bismo odredili vrijeme sastanka unaprijed.

You can find me at my office located at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics building, room 313 or at the Faculy Dean's offices. My office hours are Mondays 10:00 - 11:00 and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00

I am at my office(s) every day, but you may consider writing an email to fix an appointment first.


Svi konstruktivni komentari i kritike su i više nego dobrodošli. Pošaljite email ili me dođite vidjeti u kabinetu.

All constructive comments and criticism are more than welcome. Send an email or come see me in my office.

Ako budete imali problema sa otvaranjem bilo koje stranice, pošaljite mi email, opišite koji operativni sistem (Windows, Linux, Unix?) i browser (Chrome, Seamonkey, Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) koristite i detaljno opišite šta se dogodilo.

If You have prblems opening this site, please email me, describe what operating system You are using (Windows, Linux, Unix?) and which browser (Chrome, Seamonkey, Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) You are using describe in detail what happened.

Zadnja modifikacija / last modified: 26. maj 2017.


Ovdje možete skinuti i skriptu predmeta u PDF formatu, koja se pretežno sastoji od materijala koji se koristi na slajdovima na predavanjima. Svake godine dolazi do izmjene, pa ne preporučujem printanje prije kraja semestra.

Obratiti pažnju:
Skripta predavanja nije udžbenik! Nekad su materijali napisani na brzinu ili kasno navečer i možda nisu ili su samo minimalno provjerena za greške. Zadržavam pravo da sadržavaju štamparske greške kao i matematičke greške u njima - pozivam vas da mi ukažete na njih ukoliko ih primjetite!

Disclaimer: The lecture notes ate not a tetbook! Sometimes the material was written hastily or late at night and they might not have been checked for errors. I reserve the right for the notes to contain errors, either purely typographical or perhaps mathematical. I invite You to point them out to me if and when You notice them!

Pogledajte website Zorana Lučića za mnoge korisne stvari, kao što je prijevod Elemenata, Osnove Geometrije Davida Hilberta itd.

Literatura / Reading list

  • Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds
    W. Kuhnel: Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds, 3rd ed, American Mathematical Society, New York (2015)
  • A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry
    M. Spivak: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry; Publish or Perish, Berkeley (1979)
  • Lectures on Classical Dierential Geometry
    D. J. Struik: Lectures on Classical Dierential Geometry, 2nd Ed; Dover, New York (1988)
  • Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
    M. do Carmo: Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces; Prentice-Hall, Englewood Clis (1976)
  • Diferencijalna geometrija - Zbirka zadataka i repetitorij
    B. Žarinac-Frančula: Diferencijalna geometrija - Zbirka zadataka i repetitorij; Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1990.
  • Elementi vektorske analize, diferencijalne geometrije i teorije polja
    D. Mihajlović: Elementi vektorske analize, diferencijalne geometrije i teorije polja, Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika, Beograd 1968.
  • Osnovi diferencijalne geometrije
    R. Stojanović: Osnovi diferencijalne geometrije, Beograd 1963.
  • The Classical Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
    R. Stojanović: Osnovi diferencijalne geometrije, Beograd 1963.
  • Course of Differential Geometry
    R. A. Sharipov: Course of Differential Geometry, Bakshir State University, 1996.

Obratiti pažnju: Vježbe su skoro svako godine dosta slične prošlogodišnjim - no ne kopirajte ih od kolega sa prethodnih godina, jer time samo sebi odmažete! Poenta vježbi je da SAMI pokušate riješiti probleme, a rješenja ćete svejedno dobiti naknadno. Vježbe su tu kako bi vam pomogle da lakše svladate gradivo. A vaša aktivnost na vježbama je ono što se računa, ne samo puko predavanje rješenja...

Ako budete imali problema sa ovim vježbama i problemima, posaljite mi email na, opišite šta pokušavate uraditi i gdje ste zapeli i ja ću vam pokušati pomoći.

Kabinetski sati / Office hours

Možete me naći u kabinetu koji se nalazi na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu, kancelarija 313 ili u dekanatu Fakulteta. Kabinetski sati su ponedjeljkom 10.oo-11.oo i srijedom 11:oo-12:oo

U kabinetu i dekanatu sam svaki dan, ali obavezno mi prvo napišete email kako bismo odredili vrijeme sastanka unaprijed.

You can find me at my office located at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics building, room 313 or at the Faculy Dean's offices. My office hours are Mondays 10:00 - 11:00 and Wednesdays 11:00-12:00

I am at my office(s) every day, but you may consider writing an email to fix an appointment first.


Svi konstruktivni komentari i kritike su i više nego dobrodošli. Pošaljite email ili me dođite vidjeti u kabinetu.

All constructive comments and criticism are more than welcome. Send an email or come see me in my office.

Ako budete imali problema sa otvaranjem bilo koje stranice, pošaljite mi email, opišite koji operativni sistem (Windows, Linux, Unix?) i browser (Chrome, Seamonkey, Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) koristite i detaljno opišite šta se dogodilo.

If You have problems opening this site, please email me, describe what operating system You are using (Windows, Linux, Unix?) and which browser (Chrome, Seamonkey, Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer) You are using describe in detail what happened.

Zadnja modifikacija / last modified: 26. februar 2018.


Odsjek matematika
Prirodno-matematički Fakultet
Univerzitetska 4
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia and Herzegovina

At My Office

You can find me at my office located at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics building, room 313 or at the Faculy Dean's offices.

I am at my office(s) every day, but you may consider writing an email to fix an appointment first.

Other faculties

I also teach at the Faculty of Economics.

Depending on the semester I can also be found there.